Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On closer inspection

I'm totally embarrassed. I wouldn't be if I hadn't already spoken to the doctor's assisstant. She said she'd call the lab to see how this could have happened. Hopefully she didn't mention it to my doctor. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. Actually I don't. I have tons of school work I should be doing, but obviously have spent 2 whole days on this rib and haven't gotten anything else done.

So here's the picture that convinced me, which I took to Ann and she definately saw it this way. So the flat part of my rib is not the front part, which I initially thought (I mean it's flat, right?). If you look at the blue eliptical shape on this bone (where the scalenus medius muscle attaches) and you slice it about a third of the way up, you will have the flat edge of my personal rib. So the rib I have is indeed a left rib, and most likely mine. Yeah, duh. Hopefully that at least amused everyone for a few hours, and hopefully the pathology lab at UCSF understands.

You can all rest easy now knowing that I do have my own rib in my possession. Now I really have a lot of homework I'm supposed to be doing. But first I'll get a snack. I just called the doctor's assisstant and left a message telling her not to call the lab if she hasn't already. Yeah, I'm a dork.

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