So here's the picture that convinced me, which I took to Ann and she definately saw it this way. So the flat part of my rib is not the front part, which I initially thought (I mean it's flat, right?). If you look at the blue eliptical shape on this bone (where the scalenus medius muscle attaches) and you slice it about a third of the way up, you will have the flat edge of my personal rib. So the rib I have is indeed a left rib, and most likely mine. Yeah, duh. Hopefully that at least amused everyone for a few hours, and hopefully the pathology lab at UCSF understands.
You can all rest easy now knowing that I do have my own rib in my possession. Now I really have a lot of homework I'm supposed to be doing. But first I'll get a snack. I just called the doctor's assisstant and left a message telling her not to call the lab if she hasn't already. Yeah, I'm a dork.
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