Friday, August 14, 2009

For Lack of a Life

Apparently there's nothing more pressing for me to be doing on a Friday morning at 7:30am than to be surfing the internet. The internet is a fantastic place.

First of all, I found an excellent picture of thoracic outlet syndrome that for some reason I was unable to find when I was really looking for it. This image is from "Adam" if any of you have heard of it. It's an anatomy tutorial for the layman.

I'm very impressed with this picture. Wish I had it earlier.

Anyway, another weird thing I found out may be a little harder to grasp for those who don't know human anatomy very well. I was looking through chest anatomy pictures specifically at the layering of muscles. I'm fairly well versed in anatomy and came across something that made me say "What the heck is that?" out loud. I was unable to copy the picture to put it here, so you'll have to go to the link if you want to see it: and click on "muscles".

The superficial muscles of the chest were self explanatory. We all know we've got "pecs" there. Women too. If you look at the deeper muscles of the chest though, you'll see all the normal stuff-- and possibly something called a "sternalis" muscle. It runs vertically along the sternum. What?

Apparently the sternalis is a "normal variant" in anatomy and may possibly be a "misplaced pectoralis major". Very interesting. In it's early stages of formation, one of your pec muscles gets a little confused and forms elsewhere. It has been mistaken for breast tumors. Very interesting. Just thought you all should know.

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