Saturday, August 2, 2014


Once again I have removed the polish off my toenails to check the status of my Boston Marathon wounds. One of them is really getting ready to go. Half of it is no longer attached but the thought of ripping it completely off is frightening to say the least. It will have to get much looser before I start tugging at it.

With a half marathon coming up in two weeks (America's Finest City!) I was concerned about what to do if I lost it. Could I still comfortably run? I googled it.

First of all, you can electively have your toenails removed. Like forever. No more toenails. Who would do this? Apparently people who frequently get ingrown toenails, fungus, infections, etc. I guess there's a big push in the ultra marathon world for people just removing their toenails since they all fall off anyway. I have ran 4 marathons and have yet to lose a toenail....but now I'm working on it.

Secondly, there's an ultra runner out there that has decided to make a necklace out of his and a couple donated toenails. See here. Besides the fact that that is disgusting, it is slightly cool. I mean, I do own my own rib, so I can't really judge.

Third, turns out people run without toenails all the time. And people paint the skin under them all the time (not just Robin). And apparently it can take up to 6 months (or never) for them to grow back.

When I swim I feel the pressure of the water pulling my toenail back.

Every once in awhile I scrape it against something and have to pause and catch my breath and check to see if it's still attached.

However, when I run, it does ok. I also wear different shoes than I did for the marathon. Those were a bad choice. But beautiful. I like the colors better than my current bright pink. But they are friendlier on my feet, IT band....and apparently toenails.

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