Gwen and I painted the 3rd bathroom the day before yesterday and I finished it up yesterday. It needs a couple touch-ups before it's final, not to mention new white paint in there. The white parts (trim and ceiling) are a later project. Apparently when you tape off a paint job, you should really pull the tape off before it's fully dry, because then you peel off some of the paint when you pull off the tape. Lesson learned, I just need a couple splatters of paint here and there. I added some yellow rugs and towels to accent the green walls and I'm fairly certain I like it, but I left the tags on just in case I decide I don't. Walmart will take them back. I've also discovered a really cool switchplate and outlet cover website:
I'm trying to decide between two of those for the bathroom. Anyway, here's the before and after.
The only problem I'm having with the matching of rugs to wall color is that they are so separated by the tile on the walls. I'm hoping the towels hanging and some cool yellow light switch covers will help connect them together a little more.
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