Saturday, May 23, 2009

Busy week

Ok, some of you may have heard I was in the hospital with a blood clot in my arm, if not- there ya go.

The clot is out, I'm on ridiculous blood thinners and for now have to give myself shots in the stomach twice a day (kinda like a diabetic, but not) until they get the levels of my other blood thinner where they want it. They took a bunch of blood tests to make sure nothing was wrong with my clotting system, but for now I've been diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Here's a good website on it:

Basically, due to my activity levels, carrying heavy stuff, and just having this anatomical predisposition to this, my vein has been squeezed to the point it started to clot. Apparently it's been going on for awhile, because my body has developed new veins that have been re-routing blood around the clot. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Like making a detour when the bridge has gone out.

So I went through two procedures to clear the clot. The first was an overnight thrombolysis. They put a catheter type thing in my arm so they can shoot a clot buster at it all night (in pressurized pulses which kept me awake all night long). In the morning they checked to see if the clot was gone, and it wasn't, so they stuck a balloon in my arm and inflated it (angioplasty). I guess that did the trick. So now I'm on blood thinners until further notice, which has put me on light duty. Can't have me hitting my head or cutting myself.

Well, gotta head out to find the crew. Rumor has it they're heading to the beach... didn't know we had one of those, but I'm up for some sunshine.

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