Saturday, March 7, 2009

Writing Exercise #2- Write about a less-than-remarkable aspect of your life.

Today I decided to be a couch potato. Maybe that’s remarkable in itself, but I can see why people get into the habit and can never get out. On the bright side, I was able to find a new running trail I’d like to tackle tomorrow by using the TOPO program on my computer.

My upholstery-bottomed spud-ness was spurred on by a request from the real estate office to provide a time period to show my house today. The agent left a message that there were potential renters last weekend that wanted to see the place, but since I was out of town we scheduled it for this weekend- but apparently everyone was no longer interested. With an overly optimistic view that some one would magically appear and want to see the place, I was asked to be available between 10am and 12pm to show my house.

After cleaning up the place a bit, I settled down with breakfast and my second cup of coffee. I moseyed around on the internet and toured the mountains of my neighborhood by scanning my TOPO maps on my computer. I found interesting trails all over the place! After my mandatory dilly-dallying, I checked in on my online classes to post discussion assignments and study for exams that are due tomorrow (for which I have not yet read the chapters). After noon, with no one in sight, I decided to take a nap on the couch. Ten minutes later I was up and bored (and sleepy). I got another cup of coffee and read my magazine. Figuring I should probably get serious since I had plenty of time on my hands, I read the assigned chapter for one of my classes and got back on the internet to take the exams. I passed with flying colors, and then figured I deserved a hot bath after blogging about its importance.

My magazine had mentioned how sunshine increases the production of serotonin, so upon finding a large spot of sunshine on my bed after taking a bath, I thought it wise to lie in it and increase my spiritual well being. I know what you’re thinking, and you’re probably wrong. No it was not warm enough outside to be out getting “fresh air”. Fresh air around here is quite chilly, and chilly doesn’t really get my serotonin levels pumping. So anyway, I put on my headphones and listened to Celtic meditation music while enhancing my serotonin production.

It wasn’t long before I got bored with that, so I continued reading “Self” whereupon I learned that sniffing rosemary for 5 minutes helps lower cortisol levels in the bloodstream. Cortisol is a chemical that apparently leads to high blood pressure and heart attacks. No one wants that. After sniffing a jar of dried rosemary from my seasoning cabinet, I figured that if smelling the rosemary was so good for me, I should bake some rosemary potatoes to really amp up my new stress busting technique.

Once I had cooked and devoured my share of rosemary potatoes, I realized that me being gone all next week for training meant that I had better eat the 2 avocadoes that were ripening in the crystal fruit bowl my grandmother sent me. So I quickly whipped up some guacamole and ate about half a bowl with some corn tortilla chips. For some strange reason, this led me to eat three mini- reeses peanut butter cups that I got for Christmas.

I sat back down on the couch to do an internet search for Rosemary-Mint Shampoo. I found a few brands but realized I already have 4 sets of shampoo and conditioner and had better use those before buying more. That’s when I decided it would be cool to sit down and write some more, so here I am.

Shelly, my new (ultra-fit, ex-smokejumper) friend just called to see if I’m heading to the Tavern tonight. Neither of us have been there, and it’s the local hangout. Apparently she just made her debut journey to BevMo (she’s not from around here) and made off with some new wine and beer, so she invited me over for a pre-Tavern warm-up. She’s walking to the Tavern from her place (sounds far being as it’s only 10 degrees out) and hinted at me joining in on the madness. Looks like I’ll be getting my fresh air after all. But first I better eat something so I don’t drink on an empty stomach.

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